"If you are looking for answers that “traditional” doctors simply don’t have time to look for, you must come visit this fantastic group. Caring, real people who take the time to find solutions. I highly recommend RBI." - Kelly, RBI Patient
RBI's approach is scientifically based, with patients engaging in frequent one-on-one personalized weight loss visits. On a patients first visit they can expect a comprehensive review of their past and current medical history and a detailed analysis of their current eating, exercise and behavioral habits. In addition, detailed laboratory and medication review will help RBI's team discover any barriers to the patients past and current weight loss efforts. RBI emphasizes an anti-inflammatory whole foods based approach with significant focus on patient dietary, exercise and behavioral intervention education. Each patient will have a meal plan tailored for them specifically with consideration to finance, lifestyle, family and medical variabilities between individuals. RBI bases a large part of their past patients success on accountability, food tracking, and measuring progress through their state-of-the art body composition analysis scale.
In addition, RBI offers adjunct therapies to aid in her patients weight loss journey. This includes but is not limited to appetite suppressants, supplements and nutraceuticals as well as cutting edge jump start food detox programs. The most important factor in helping patients achieve their ultimate weight loss goals is the improvements they see in their overall health.
"After my first visit at RBI, I felt that I had the tools and medical support to start my health journey. They spent an immense amount of time listening to me and asking questions. They were able to look at my lab results and see what areas needed improvement and recommend supplements to assist. I started taking the supplements, going for a daily walk, reducing my carbs intake, and watching the time of day I was eating. My health became a major priority in my life after visiting RBI."
"One month later, my triglycerides went down and I had lost 15 pounds. Even better than that-my mood improved drastically. Everyone around me noticed and commented how happy I seemed. I even became more focused at work. I am so thankful to the team at RBI, and highly recommend them. Since June 2020, I have lost 35 pounds total. I enjoy going to the appointments and look forward to setting new goals and aging gracefully with the help of RBI."
What does your weight really represent? When you step on a scale, you can’t see how much muscle or fat you have. All you see is how heavy you weigh.
At RBI, we go beyond the scale with the InBody Test, a non-invasive body composition analysis that provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat, and water on an InBody Result Sheet. Get results you can trust so you can reach your health and fitness goals with precision and actionable objectives.
Weight alone is a poor indicator of health because it does not distinguish fat from muscle. The InBody divides your weight into water, muscle, and fat.
How much muscle do you have in your arms? Your legs? With RBI's InBody Test, discover how many pounds of lean mass you have distributed in each portion of your body. See which exercises bring out the best results and get balanced gains.
BMI is an inaccurate way of measuring how healthy you are. Instead, focus on your body fat to weight ratio, also known as percent body fat. Measuring your Percent Body Fat allows you to better your health from the inside out so you focus on fat loss and not just weight loss.
Knowing how much fat and muscle you have is only the beginning. With your baseline set, continuously taking the InBody Test allows you to monitor and track the changes in your body.
Power2Patient, the easy-to-use system that empowers you to take control of your health. Power2Patient will help you:
* Communicate quickly and easily with your doctor.
* Monitor your ongoing health progress.
* Engage you in all aspects of your care and treatment program.
* Access your medical records anywhere, any time.